Cloud-based Penetration Testing vs Traditional Penetration Testing

October 06, 2022


With the increasing adoption of cloud-based technologies, companies are relying more on cloud infrastructures to store, process and manage their data. This shift towards cloud computing also introduced a new set of security challenges that can only be addressed with more sophisticated security measures. One of these security measures that have gained recent attention is penetration testing.

Penetration testing is a simulated cyber-attack that identifies vulnerabilities in a system's defenses. It is a crucial step in ensuring that cloud-based applications and infrastructure are secure from hacking attempts or other types of cyber threats. There are two methods of penetration testing: Cloud-based penetration testing and traditional penetration testing. In this article, we'll explore their differences and compare their effectiveness in securing cloud infrastructures.

What is Cloud-Based Penetration Testing?

Cloud-based Penetration testing is done on cloud-based infrastructures, services, and applications with the intent of identifying gaps or weaknesses in the cloud environment's security measures. The testing is conducted using third-party tools and automated testing services without requiring any significant customization of tools for the infrastructure.

What is Traditional Penetration Testing?

Traditional Penetration testing, on the other hand, is a manual cybersecurity testing process that primarily scans on-premises infrastructures to identify security vulnerabilities. That said, it can also test cloud-based applications, albeit with more customization required to ensure that the cloud environs being tested are identical with on-prem deployments.

Key Differences Between Cloud-Based and Traditional Penetration Testing


Typically, cloud-based penetration testing is automated and requires less configuration, while traditional penetration testing is a manual process that requires more customization to ensure the test requirements are identical to on-prem infrastructure.


Cloud-based testing tools are more flexible in that tests can be conducted from anywhere without additional infrastructure. Traditional penetration testing is typically more limited by hardware and software requirements that may infringe upon an organization's resources.


Cloud-based testing is typically more cost-effective than traditional penetration testing as it is generally automated and hence requires less time and human resources.

Testing Depth

Penetration testing depth varies depending on the nature of the test. However, cloud-based automated tools only test at the application level while manual traditional penetration testing can examine not only the application but also the infrastructure, hardware, and network.


Automated cloud-based penetration testing is often less intrusive and with fewer false positive signs than manual traditional testing, making it the more preferred method for businesses that have high sensitivity for data and application availability.

Cloud-based penetration testing vs. Traditional Penetration Testing - Which Should You Choose?

Both cloud-based and traditional penetration testing methods have their place in the market. The choice depends on the level of expertise, resources, and the organization's goals. Some businesses require testing that is more comprehensive, which traditional penetration testing provides, while others prefer cloud-based automated testing, which requires less customization and is more cost-effective.


Ensuring that the cloud-based applications and infrastructure are secure from cyber threats is vital to an organization's success. Employing the right cybersecurity measures to protect this data is imperative, and penetration testing is one way to keep security breaches at bay. Ultimately, a combination of both cloud-based and traditional penetration testing methods could provide better results than either testing type in isolation.


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